Work plan

Leader: MICROPHYT (France)
WP1 is devoted to the project management and coordination activities. It gives a framework for the project management and strategic decision making.
The main objectives are to:
– manage the SCALE consortium in a successful and cost-efficient way, stimulating multi-stakeholders’ synergies and minimizing risks
– ensure that impact of the results and innovations generated by the project is maximised
– assure the optimal implementation of the project, reporting, financial administrative and risk management, progress monitoring and preparation of project meetings and reports.
Contact: Julie PERSON
Leader: MICROPHYT (France)
This WP has the following main objectives:
– Engineering, procurement and commissioning activities related to the innovative components of the SCALE Flagship plant:
- basic and detailed engineering of the Flagship plant
- follow-up of the execution studies developed by the contractors and the suppliers
- building of the Flagship plant
- commissioning of the Flagship plant
Contact: Hervé JACQZ
Leader: MICROPHYT (France)
This WP has the following main objectives:
– providing the end-users of the project with innovative high value ingredients
– securing long-term access to raw material to produce microalgae biomass
– testing of different sources of raw materials
– innovative concepts development on storage and logistics.
Contact: Rémi PRADELLES
Leader: MICROPHYT (France)
The main objective of this WP is to develop specific commercial applications for which microalgae has been shown to be a particularly high- performing alternative to existing solutions, sometimes harmful to human health. This is thanks to the feedback and expertise of partners, marketers, specialists in cosmetics, food supplements, animal nutrition and food.
Contact: Rémi PRADELLES
Leader: MICROPHYT (France)
The WP5 aims to frame the quality approach accompanying the development of the products resulting from the SCALE project, by focusing on the safety of the ingredients, their standardization in terms of molecules of interest and by comparing them with the existing competing products on the market.
Contact: Rémi PRADELLES
WP 6 aims to comply with the EU regulation notably on the novel food.
Contact: Elizabeth LEWIS
The main objectives of WP 7 are:
– to conduct a LCSA to evaluate the sustainability of SCALE product
– to gather data on sustainability aspects related to the ingredient production from microalgae
– to identify the most important environmental, economic and social aspects associated with the new value chains created by SCALE
– to integrate the results from LCA, LCC and sLCA to provide a holistic view of the sustainability of the SCALE value chains.
Contact: Marina ISASA
This work package aims to promote the action of the project SCALE and its results.
This WP has the following main objectives:
– communicate about the project and its objectives and achievements through different channels and supporting materials (website, social networks, communication materials, video, etc.)
– dissemination of the project results to the scientific and industrial communities, public at large, national agencies and policy makers, through publication, articles and press releases, participation in specialised conferences, organisation of workshops and final conference, etc.
Contact: Chloé JOLY
Leader: MICROPHYT (France)
WP9 has its focus on ensuring compliance with the “ethics requirements” set out in this work package.
Contact: Julie PERSON